If you would like to convert your Section156 / Section165 / Year End Disclosure report from Portable Document Format (PDF) to Microsoft Word. Please follow the steps as shown below:
1) Right-click the Portable Document Format (PDF) you want to open.
2) Select Open with. It is near the top of the menu and another menu will expand.
3) Click Word or Microsoft Word on the menu. This opens Word and attempts to display the PDF.
4) Click OK to convert the file. Word will convert the file to its own format and display the results. If you are converting a larger file, it can take a few minutes to complete.
If you face any issues, please reach out to our Board.Vision Customer Success Team at support@board.vision or +65 6909 7100 and we will be happy to help.
Our hotline operating hours are from Mondays to Fridays 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SGT (excluding public holidays).