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2) Main Users of Board.Vision

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Meetings & Events

1) Viewing Meeting Information and Agenda documents

2) Accessing Meeting Links

3) Downloading a Set of Meeting Documents

4) Annotating Your Documents

5) Annotating Shared Documents with Other Business Users and Administrators



1) Acting on Approvals and Viewing Supporting Documents

2) Acting on Approvals Without Signature

3) Acting on Approvals as an Alternate Director 

4) Viewing Voters' Remarks in the Approval 

5) Viewing an Approval Certificate of Completion (CoC) Report


Planning & Scheduling

1) Voting and Proposing an Alternate Date for an Upcoming Meeting

2) Changing your Votes on your Availability

3) Viewing Participants' Votes

4) Viewing the Finalised Meeting Date



1) Viewing All Your Documents

2) Downloading Documents


User Account Menu

1) My Profile

2) Activity Logs

3) Viewing the Terms of Use (TOU)

4) Viewing the Privacy Statement

5) Viewing the Release Notes

6) Switching between Multiple Companies


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